Available JHipster application types for JDL

During the development of JHipster the documentation is sadly treat neglectfully. But as a developer you know this issue…

you want to generate an application via JHipster, but you require to understand what application types are possible

Sample jdl with application type definition

application {
config {
baseName mygateway
reactive true
packageName com.xenvovation.my.gateway
applicationType gateway
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
clientFramework angular
prodDatabaseType postgresql
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
testFrameworks [cypress]
microfrontends [blog, store]

You can find all current supported application types in github in the typescript file application-types.ts

Available application types

As of end of 2022 we are having:

  • monolith
    this a classical software development model, where all layers of your application (from data access, over services, over API, over UI) are included in one development project. Therefore also named monolith application. If you are new to JHipster and especially in microservices, try to start here to learn first the benefits of JHipster
  • microservice
    this is representing ONE service of your microservice architectured application. You will typically also require additional microservices. And typically if you are having user interfaces also one gateway application
  • gateway
    a gateway is your entry point to your backend microservices, which provides URL routing to the corresponding microservice, security and authorization to allow corresponding permissions to the services and often it also contains a UI. Consider the microservice gateway as your edge node to your users or API consumers.

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