Available JHipster client framework types for JDL

You want to generate an application via JHipster, but you require to understand what client frontend types are available to use?

Sample jdl with database type definition

application {
config {
      clientFramework angular
      databaseType sql

You can find all current supported client framework types in github in the typescript file client-framework-types.ts

Available client framework types

Depending of what type of UI framework you require, you have full support in JHipster for following frameworks. As of Q1 2023 we are having:

  • no
    no UI framework at all required
  • angular
    Use in the JHipster generator Angular UI framework
  • react
    Use in the JHipster generator react UI framework
  • vue
    Use in the JHipster generator vue.js UI framework
  • svelte
    Use in the JHipster generator svelte UI framework

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