How to debug JHipster with Eclipse

Learn in this article how to debug jhipster backend services with Eclipse.

There are many different options available how to do the debugging of the backend. In this tutorial it will be explained how to use maven and Eclipse to enable the debugging in IDE:

Debugging via Maven a spring-boot application in Eclipse

First we need to enable remote debugging for the java backend code. This can be done by passing parameters to maven command, we require:

    this is passing JVM arguments to the spring-boot startup
  • -Xdebug
    enable debugging on JVM level
  • -DskipTests
    skip tests of maven run
  • -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005
    enable remote debugging on JVM and open port 5005 for the debugging

Putting all together we need to pass to maven\"-Xdebug -DskipTests -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005\""

Prepare maven with External Tools

Go to you JHipster project and do following steps

JHipster Eclipse External Tools

Expand External Tools and select External Tools Configurations…

JHipster Eclipse External-Tools add New Launch Configuration

Now select Program and afterwards click on New launch configuration

Create now a new Launch Configuration with following values

JHipster Eclipse External-Tools Launch Configuration Settings
  • Enter the Name
  • Enter the Location
  • Enter the Working Directory, replace yourproject with your project name
  • Enter the Arguments, replace yourproject with your project name
/c "${workspace_loc:/yourproject/mvnw}\"-Xdebug -DskipTests -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005\""

Now configure sharing

JHipster Eclipse External-Tools launch Configuration Settings Sharing
  • Select Shared file and enter, replace yourproject with your project name
  • Display in favorites menu
    Check External Tools

Now run this configuration, which will start the maven default target

Configure Debugging in Eclipse via Remote Debugging

We now need to attach Eclipse to the above started spring-boot, which itself get started by maven

JHipster Eclipse Remote Debug launch Configuration Settings

Configure Remote Debugging Settings

  • Enter a Name for the Launch Configuration
  • Select your project
  • Enter the port to attach to

Configure sharing

JHipster Eclipse Remote Debug launch Configuration Sharing Settings
  • Select Save as
    Shared file and enter /yourproject/.launchConfigs
  • Display in favorites menu
    check Debug

Attach to spring-boot debugging

Now we have prepared everything. If you have started before
Now the maven may already showing you that Spring-Boot is started and ready to connect. As soon as you have this report you can run

If everything went well, Eclipse will switch to the Debug Perspective and you can now place breakpoints and debug step by step through your code.



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